Facial Recognition

  1. A face-scanning algorithm increasingly decides whether you deserve the job

    Article This article discusses HireVue, a technology that uses artificial intelligence to analyze job candidates. The article discusses both favorable and unfavorable...

  2. As Cameras Track Detroit’s Residents, a Debate Ensues Over Racial Bias

    Article This article discusses the city of Detroit’s “Project Green Light” initiative which uses facial recognition surveillance to find criminals. Some...

  3. Clearview AI finally takes part in a federal accuracy test

    Article This article describes how the controversial facial recognition algorithm from Clearview AI was put to a third party test for...

  4. Defund Facial Recognition

    Article This article describes how facial recognition in policing is a particular threat to Black lives and to democracy. The article...

  5. Emotion AI researchers say overblown claims give their work a bad name

    Article This article discusses emotion recognition, the technology used by HireVue to screen job candidates using artificial intelligence. The article discusses the limitations...

  6. Europe Wants to Ban Facial Recognition—Take Note, America

    Article This article discusses how the European Parliament has called on EU lawmakers to ban biometric surveillance in public spaces. Members...

  7. 'Every smile you fake' — an AI emotion-recognition system can assess how 'happy' China's workers are in the office

    Article In this article, a Chinese emotion recognition system is described. The developers of this technology claim that their system can...

  8. Face-Off Lecture Slides

    Lecture / slides Slides for Lecture 21 of Ethical and Professional Issues in Notre Dame's Computer Science and Engineering department. The learning goals...

  9. Group Project 02: A Letter to the Editor from Citizens Concerned About AI

    Group Project In this group project, students in the Ethical and Professional Issues course in Notre Dame's Computer Science and Engineering department are...

  10. How China uses facial recognition to control human behavior

    Article This article describes China’s extreme usage of facial recognition surveillance. While in the US facial recognition surveillance is used to...

  11. How Facial Recognition Is Fighting Child Sex Trafficking

    Article This article discusses how facial recognition technology is being used to fight child sex trafficking. The Spotlight tool matches faces...

  12. How Facial Recognition Technology Is Helping Identify the U.S. Capitol Attackers

    Article This article describes how facial recognition technology was used to identify people who participated in the January 6, 2021 attacks...

  13. How to make AI less racist

    Article This article discusses how negative biases, for example racial biases, can be baked into artificial intelligence algorithms through the use...

  14. Keystroke tracking, screenshots, and facial recognition: The boss may be watching long after the pandemic ends

    Article This article describes how companies track their employees through video feed data/facial recognition, keystroke tracking, and screenshots. This type of...

  15. Major camera company can sort people by race, alert police when it spots Uighurs

    Article This article describes a facial-recognition technology by the Chinese company Dahua that is tuned to spot Uighurs, a minority ethnic...

  16. One Month, 500,000 Face Scans: How China Is Using A.I. to Profile a Minority

    Article This article describes how China is using facial recognition technology to track the Uighurs, a minority ethnic group in China....

  17. Physiognomy's New Clothes

    Article In this article, the authors discuss the history of physiognomy, or "scientific racism," and how some machine learning scientists today...

  18. Pitfalls in Machine Learning Research: Reexamining the Development Cycle

    Academic Paper This academic paper has the following abstract: Applied machine learning research has the potential to fuel further advances in data science,...

  19. Reading Quiz 11

    Reading Quiz This reading quiz was used in the Ethical and Professional Issues course in the Computer Science and Engineering department at Notre...

  20. Researchers Create 'Master Faces' to Bypass Facial Recognition

    Article This article describes how researchers generated nine "master key" fake faces that are able to impersonate almost half of the faces in...

  21. Responses to Critiques on Machine Learning of Criminality Perceptions

    Academic Paper In this academic paper and its response, the authors of a controversial paper that uses machine learning to determine criminality...

  22. RETRACTED ARTICLE: Criminal tendency detection from facial images and the gender bias effect

    Academic Paper This retracted academic paper seeks to predict criminality from facial images using deep learning. Other scientists criticize this work as having flawed methods.

  23. Study finds gender and skin-type bias in commercial artificial-intelligence systems

    Article This article tells the story of how Joy Buolamwini, a Black researcher at the MIT Media Lab, discovered that facial...

  24. The “Criminality from Face” Illusion

    Academic Paper This academic paper has the following abstract: The automatic analysis of face images can generate predictions about a person’s gender,...

  25. The Secretive Company That Might End Privacy as We Know It

    Article This article discusses the controversial face recognition technology company Clearview AI. The article details how Clearview AI was founded, how...

  26. Walter Scheirer Interviews Kevin Bowyer

    Video In this video, Dr. Walter Scheirer Interviews facial recognition and biometrics expert Dr. Kevin Bowyer about the ethics of facial...

  27. We tried the AI software companies like Goldman Sachs and Unilever use to analyze job applicants

    Video In this video, Business Insider explores HireVue, a new AI technology for screening job applicants. The video explains how HireVue...

  28. What Happens When Employers Can Read Your Facial Expressions?

    Article This article outlines the risks of facial recognition technology. The authors outline three arguments that those against facial recognition technology...

  29. Writing Reflection 09: Face the Facts of AI

    Writing Reflection The tenth writing reflection for Ethical and Professional Issues in Notre Dame's Computer Science and Engineering department. This assignment asks...